Our domestic and international trade assistance programs provide help to Oregon farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and companies with market development, product development, and marketing. To accomplish our mission, the branch provides administrative guidance and enforcement services, on the department’s behalf, to marketing programs that operate under the California Food and Agricultural Code, thus assuring the agricultural industry and the public that the programs are being handled according to legislative intent. Marketing. The Agricultural Commodity Marketing Division is responsible for the domestic and worldwide promotion/marketing of Pennsylvania agribusiness products and services, and developing and administering programs to assist agribusinesses in … Agricultural Commodity Marketing. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. The Unit operates with a vision of bringing marketing relief to local farmers. Administers the NC Egg Law and the Farm Products Marketing and Branding Law. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. The .gov means it’s official. We collaborate with industry partners to identify and resolve trade issues. In order to help growers take advantage of these potential markets, the Marketing Division promotes demand for and sales of the state's agricultural commodities in the United States and abroad. 2020 Year In Review for Texas Department of Agriculture: Thursday, December 31, 2020, AUSTIN - The Texas Department of Agriculture, like so many Texans during this difficult time, experienced success and challenges throughout 2020. Financial Support to set up cottage-scale and small-scale RNR-based enterprises under the Start-up and CSI Flagship Program Under the Start-up and CSI Flagship Program (S&CSIFP), the Department of Agricultural Marketing and Co-operatives (DAMC) is pleased to invite proposals from aspiring registered Farmer Groups (FGs) and ..... » Read More The Colorado Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce the selection of Southern Colorado-based AdPro 360 as the new marketing firm for the Colorado State Fair 2021 season. The Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA) estimated this final rule would have a benefit of $49,050,000 for producers of domestic hemp; a cost of $3,340,000 for states, Indian tribes, and USDA; and a cost of $190,000 for laboratories … Although we function in a highly technological age, the Unit shares […] The Marketing Division promotes the sale of North Carolina products, develops and expands markets, reports farm market prices on major commodities, and determines and certifies official grades of farm products. Agriculture in New York New York Production at a Glance New York is home to over 33,000 family farms producing some of the world's best food and beverages. The Marketing Unit (MU) is an arm at the Department of Agriculture which was established in 2001 by the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Alistair Edwards. About 20% of New York State's land area, or close to 7 million acres, is farmland.