And parents are teaching kids all the time too. You can't pour info in the kids head.” She compares teaching to the work of an athletic coach who’s job it is to motivate and guide an athlete to improve. Zaretta Hammond, author of "Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain," shares five steps for incorporating protocols in your classroom so that every student is heard. Get kids to read non-fiction books, watch documentaries or educational programming on T.V., or learn from parents about something they have expertise in. there are things she cannot see . Novato, CA (March 3, 2020) – PBLWorks, the leading provider of professional development for high-quality Project Based Learning (PBL), is thrilled to announce Zaretta Hammond will keynote its annual PBL World conference this June. It attracts a vibrant community of educators, who engage in deep, focused work together. There are ways schools can put the focus on building trust and relationships even during distance learning. Our students need to learn the skill. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 0 Likes. Join Facebook to connect with Zaretta Hammond and others you may know. This means going deeper and expanding on what they already know. In response to a parent who asked about expectations of teacher responsiveness during this time, Hammond suggested that if teachers are not available and able to respond during this time, parents should not “worry about trying to cover that packet. reclaim that natural learning ability.”. . ... 2020 REGISTER NOW for November 6, 13 & 20, 2020 . This could be cooking (chemistry), gardening etc. In this book, Zaretta Hammond weaves together data, neuroscience and culturally responsive teaching in a way that surfaces how to access culture as a way to activate learning pathways in the brain. [who] underperform because that's what we've set up—this cycle of underperformance. Hammond, a nationally-recognized consultant and author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, will challenge and inspire the audience, and discuss PBL as a strategy for educational equity. You need to teach your child whatever you need to — practical life experiences you can teach them. This inequity, said Hammond, has been “built not just on white-supremacy culture, but also on he notion of under-educating black, brown, and English learner [students] consistently. There's a low hum but it's an organized messiness that has to be set up right.”. Parents should focus on maintaining sanity and emotional stability, expand definition of learning to include practical life experiences. Our focus is on building the capacity of teachers to design and facilitate quality Project Based Learning, and on supporting school and system leaders in creating the conditions for these teachers to succeed with all students. Previous. She teaches as a lecturer at St. Mary’s College’s Kalmanovitz School of in Moraga, California. I saw this book during the summer of 2020, and what resonated with me what the integration of neuroscience into culturally responsive teaching pedagogy. What feels like fun and playing games is actually learning! Thank you to all who sent questions in advance to help inform the direction of the conversation. We were thrilled to have the opportunity PPS-SF had to be part of a discussion with educator, coach, and author, Zaretta Hammond. She concluded her report by thanking Cypress College for inviting ... semester, and that both be retroactive for Summer 2020. The GOAT Serena Williams has a coach . Zaretta Hammond is a former classroom English teacher who has been doing instructional design, school coaching, and professional development around the issues of equity, literacy, and culturally responsive teaching for the past 18 years. Hammond makes the analogy to “the first pancake.” “Nobody gets upset when we're making pancakes and the first one comes off burnt on one side crunchy and gooey on the other. This is a natural dopamine hit to the brain that keeps us coming back. . I love the point Hammond makes that teaching reading well is the best CRT! Fun learning kits that come in the mail to spark creativity, Parents should let go of trying to make this time “just like school”, Focus on the most high leverage things you can do and “let the rest go.” She says this time is not going to “look like school it's not gonna feel like school, but if we can deepen background knowledge build word wealth, and get kids to actually chew through investigation then they are going to continue to be exercising their learning muscles.”, There needs to be less emphasis put on “compliant behavior” in the classroom - and more “organized messiness.”, “Intellectual curiosity is messy, sometimes it can be a little loud. “Leading for Instructional Equity: Preparing Now for Post-Pandemic Academic Acceleration” on April 22, 2021 9:00am-2:30pm An Online Interactive Workshop presented by “You cannot call yourself a ‘culturally responsive educator’ if your purpose is to raise test scores rather than to liberate young people’s spirits and ignite their intellectual curiosity,” she said. PBL World is known for its highly collaborative environment. For more information, visit Hammond stressed that students need more academic rigor, not less. . [get] formative assessment so they can continue to progress.”, This might be a time to “admit what's going wrong but there's also a way to look at this with fresh eyes so that's kind of the place where I've been coming from in terms of supporting both teachers and parents”, Hammond thinks this time will shed light on what structures and relationships in schools are strong, and where work needs to be focussed when students return to school. In addition to adding more robust discussion practices, we also want to make these practices more culturally responsive by centering them around the principles of youth culture and collectivist practice. Zaretta Hammond is the most important theorist to make connections to brain science and culturally responsiveness. We especially loved all the practical tips for how we parents can reframe what counts as “learning at home.” For example, playing Taboo is learning! “Grandma used to call that groovy right, and then we called it sweet, and now y'all call it tight, oh wow!” Hammond says these types of conversations “Ignite intellectual curiosity” and “leverage intergenerational assets” She says we need to “stop with the narrative that families have nothing: they have no internet, they have no this, they have no that. Games and mazes are low-tech/high-impact learning tools. The conference also offers thought-provoking keynotes from PBL leaders and student speakers. We are excited to co-host a conversation with national education consultant and literacy expert Zaretta Hammond geared towards providing information to both families and educators to support the emotional and cognitive needs of our students and find flexible and creative ways to create rich learning experiences for all of our diverse learners outside of the in-person classroom setting. “We believe that PBL can serve as a powerful tool to disrupt racial inequities and allow students to develop both the academic knowledge and success skills they'll need to succeed in college and careers,” said Bob Lenz, CEO of PBLWorks. Not because they're not capable.” She says the system needs to change dramatically. . We will look into Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond. Thank you for your interest in having Ms. Hammond speak at your event. “Parents are teaching their children things all the time. The four practice areas include: Awareness. The focus of school should be less on covering content and testing on it and more on “the student becoming a powerful learner.”, Improving information processing skills is critical to counteracting the “inequity by design” that exists in our public schools. She believes we can begin to rectify this history of inequity by design, “by helping students improve their capacity to carry that cognitive load.” She pushes back on the idea of students needing help to acquire more of a “growth-mindset” or “get more grit.” noting that these children come with “double grit, and if they’re English Learners they’re coming not only with some grit but a superpower! . Zaretta Hammond. Hammond says these “train the brain” and “set it up to start to read.”. Share Feedback about Online Enrollment! Games: Taboo, Boggle and Heads-Up were suggested. We can set it up so a child “bumps into learning no matter where they go.” Hammond calls this the “hide the vegetables” approach. Use the concept of iteration like in the design-thinking framework. October 20, 2020 Kimberly St Clair. Word wealth should also be an emphasis during this time. Register now for open online workshops — PBL 101 & PBL Coaching (May 25-27). 2020 Showcase of Projects. Mazes make great learning tools for younger kids. “Only the learner learns. There are lots of things that we can do as parents where our child will not lose learning time. “The more shallow your background knowledge, the less your comprehension.” So to help kids meet standards, it makes sense to prioritize developing background knowledge. Parents can do this by making a word scavenger hunt or having discussions about slang words and how they have evolved from a grandparent’s generation to the current day. Zaretta Hammond is an educator and author in the ground breaking text: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Hammond, Zaretta. Educational Leadership, v77 n7 p45-50 Apr 2020 Structured protocols can help teachers ensure equitable participation and create more culturally responsive discussions. We need to let go of the idea that learning only happens at school. How? . They may not know the jargon - but if you've taught your child to be potty trained, you know pedagogy, you just don't call it that! Students are learning all the time - it doesn’t have to look like school to be learning. She shared a wealth of advice that is immediately useful for parents, educators, and school leaders too! No, no one says that, instead what they say is ‘okay cook make your adjustments'.”, We need to help kids shift from being dependent learners to being independent learners. Now is not the time to focus on new content: the emphasis should be on deepening background knowledge and developing word wealth. Hammond noted that in the rush to get kids connected with technology and packets, “we haven't paused to take a breath to really talk about how do we empower students who continue to be their natural selves as learners—because all brains learn. PBLWorks (the brand name of the Buck Institute for Education) believes that all students – no matter where they live or what their background – should have access to quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life. According to Hammond, many students and parents are members of collectivist cultures (as opposed to more individualist culture that dominates much of our educational and other systems). Some examples of more collectivist approaches to learning include learning through apprenticeship - this could look like kids helping parents chop vegetables, and being in conversation with the child during that time. . This includes talking about words, the history of words, and learning new words. Now in its ninth year, PBL World brings together more than 1,400 K-12 teachers, instructional coaches, and school and district administrators for three days of immersive workshops based on the PBLWorks model for Gold Standard PBL. At its September 3 meeting, the Faculty Senate adopted three goals for the 20202021 academic year: - create The centerpiece of Zaretta Hammond’s book, Cultural Responsive Teaching & the Brain (2015), is the Ready for Rigor Framework, which contains four practice areas of Culturally Responsive Teaching. If that's causing you stress let it go be, like Frozen, let it go!”, 3543 18th Street, Suite 1San Francisco, CA 94110, FAQResourcesMedia Privacy501 (c) 3 Tax IDFinancialsTerms & Conditions. She stresses that we need to be innovative and iterative especially “when it comes to black and brown, underachieving kids . Lesson 1 Assignment 1. . You should not get frustrated, this is about maintaining your sanity and your emotional stability, in the service of being available to your children. You identify one of the most valuable teaching techniques, i.e., think aloud. PBL World 2020 takes place June 16-18, 2020, in Napa Valley, CA. From the beginning our public schools were apartheid schools.”. Culturally responsive teaching is all about building relationships and self-esteem. Novato, CA (March 3, 2020) – PBLWorks, the leading provider of professional development for high-quality Project Based Learning (PBL), is thrilled to announce Zaretta Hammond will keynote its annual PBL World conference this June. … . ... workshop in the summer of 2019 where they were introduced to culturally responsive teaching with a specific focus on Zaretta Hammond’s Ready for Rigor framework. (Here’s a link to Hammond’s blog where interested members can find many valuable ideas related to teaching and also details about her book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain .) A Conversation with Zaretta Hammond: Taking the Distance Out of the Learning. Hammond brings expertise in Culturally Responsive Teaching to premier conference on Project Based Learning, Author Zaretta Hammond to Keynote PBL World 2020 in June, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. School leaders can use this time to map what is working well and what is not and when school is back, say “here are the cracks we saw, this is what we collectively need to repair.”. ... News, Policy Miranda Martin April 29, 2020 Parenting, Culturally Responsive, Independent Learning, COVID-19 Comment. Hi Steve and all, Zaretta Hammond's work on culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is so valuable since she aligns brain research with her culturally responsive instructional recommendations. ASSIGNMENT Please follow the link below to interact with the previews pictured at right, in detail, and to follow through the materials of this lesson.. Link to Lesson 1 Materials on Desmos (code: PEX U42) References and Resources. . We've developed these criteria from the insightful and groundbreaking scholarship of Geneva Gay, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Zaretta Hammond, and others. Culturally responsive design principals can help teachers connect to home culture and better engage parents in the learning process at home. The focus needs to be on “leveling-up” and creating cognitively independent versus compliant learners. Registration opens December 4, 2020 REGISTER NOW for February 16, 17, 18, 2021. That's what I'm hearing when they have assets galore!”. Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) practices forefront student culture in the development of curriculum and the delivery of instruction. A Conversation About Instructional Equity with Zaretta Hammond Culturally Responsive Practice and inquirED While there is no single definition of culturally responsive instruction, at inquirED we've established a set of criteria to describe its use in our curriculum and to guide us as we continue to evolve. View the profiles of people named Zaretta Hammond. To register, visit . We will learn about how our culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships. No, nobody says shut down the kitchen, no pancakes today! For 2021, Zaretta is taking a writing sabbatical to reflect on all that we’ve learned from navigating the 2020 twin pandemics of disruption to schooling due to COVID-19 and our national … “Zaretta’s work in the area of Culturally Responsive Teaching has influenced the work we do with teachers and leaders around equity and we’re excited to welcome her as our keynote speaker.”. she needs that formative feedback so that she can course correct. Ideally there would be connection and feedback between the parents and teachers too. All kids learn, no matter where they are…” She went on to note that the focus should be on “helping kids . Workshops are designed for educators who are ready to start their PBL journey, or who want to advance their practice. Teachers should be encouraged to innovate, try new things out and take the results back to collaborative inquiry groups to discuss what worked. She calls background knowledge, a key equity issue. Hammond, a former classroom English teacher, has been doing instructional design, school coaching, and professional development at the intersection of equity, literacy, and culturally responsive teaching for the past 18 years. The focus of assessment should be on giving feedback to students - help them “level-up” their learning, Hammond admits that the the current system of testing and assessment “has kind-of gone overboard” but maintains that the positive side of the assessment coin is that now we are looking at disaggregated data so schools can’t “sweep it under the rug” when “black and brown kids, English learners, special education kids were not thriving.”, Assessment needs to let students know how they are progressing. . Ms. Hammond touched on a wide array of topics and shared lots of tips that families and educators can use right now to support learning at home. . Keep playing games with a purpose - let kids see that they are getting better. I encourage teachers to find talk structures and tools that: 1. She is passionate about culturally responsive teaching as a way to help educators close opportunity and learning gaps for under-served students. 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